Every Child Deserves a Summer of Joy, Connection & Learning

August 5, 2024

Summer camps at the Ranch have concluded, and we are proud to share that it’s been a great season of campers and their families participating in joy-filled experiences while learning about nature and connecting with friends and family members. Camp Glimmer, sponsored by Glimmer|Austin, welcomed over 16 non-profit organizations from the Austin area for a one- or two-day camp experience for at-risk youth and families. Groups served included: Austin Angels, Change 1, Casa Marianella, Girl Forward, Ortega ACE, Austin Public Health Youth, Hope Alliance, Integral Care, Todos Juntos, SAFE Austin, River City Youth, Life Changers, I-ACT, Jerimiah Program,  CTTA and Helping Hand Home. Glimmer|Austin empowers local changemakers by investing in non-profits that care and uplift those suffering from homelessness, hunger, food insecurity, women’s and children’s shelters, substance abuse recovery, and those working to break the overall cycle of poverty. Camp Glimmer has made its home at Candlelight Ranch for the past 14 summers, assisting at-risk youth with a transformative camp experience otherwise inaccessible due to financial barriers. For many campers, this is their first experience leaving their neighborhoods or participating in outdoor recreation. Camp Glimmer helps campers step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and learn about themselves and others. Upon reflection, our youth participants offered what they learned while at camp, “A little encouragement can help others face fears” and “I learned to care for each other and help each other.” The day’s activities often allow learning life skills and trying new things. As one camper reflected, “The group games really put me out of my comfort zone because I had to talk and work with other people, but I really enjoyed it.” We greatly thank Glimmer| Austin for sponsoring Camp Glimmer and their partnership with Candlelight Ranch!

In addition to Camp Glimmer, families visited the Ranch on our Family Days, and Military Families enjoyed weekend campouts. Camp Dreamcatcher returned for its ninth year this summer, with each of our original campers graduating from the program. Lower temperatures and increased rain allowed for a bountiful harvest in the garden this summer. Campers enjoyed picking tomatoes, peaches, and bouquets of herbs while expanding pallets and learning where food comes from. The summer’s bounty extended beyond the garden and to our hiking trails, where campers could enjoy a harvest of edible native plants, including persimmons and even handmade prickly pear lemonade. The rains this year, indeed, have been a gift!

Summer at the Ranch was filled with many new activities, and we are excited to share that our campers enjoyed the newly built rerouting of Tammer’s Trail. Due to the rockslide last year, major trail rerouting occurred through our property’s canyon. The upheaval of rock has exposed many new fossils on the trail. It has been a fantastic learning opportunity for campers to witness a living example of Central Texas’ natural history and geology at work. Thank you to Trail Tamers for their expertise and hard work in rerouting our main trail. Completing our new building, “The Hideaway,” has allowed campers to cool off in the middle of the day while participating in our latest music and art curriculum. Therapeutic drumming circles led by Suszy Turner, owner of Soulshine Rhythm Experience, and “Art in Nature” led by professional artist and Master Naturalist Kim Jungkind. Kim’s program is the newest addition to our curriculum, incorporating lessons on native trees and different painting techniques.

Summer at Candlelight Ranch takes a village of dedicated, passionate individuals. Thank you to our volunteers, interns, community partners, donors, and sponsors whose passion and commitment ensured that our campers and their families had their absolute best day at the Ranch. We are incredibly grateful to Brentwood Christian, which donates its school buses yearly to provide safe, accessible transportation for our campers. Our volunteers from the Master Naturalist of the Highland Lakes provide educational science & nature curriculum and local restaurants, including Blue Corn Harvest & Eldorado Café that provided meals for our families on Family Days throughout the summer.

Though we will miss the days of summer fun with our campers and their families, we greatly look forward to a full fall season that will provide opportunities for families in need to connect with each other and nature!